Huami Amazfit: Overview

Huami Amazfit is a band and activity tracker that has the capability to measure heart rate by both PPG and ECG.

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Technical Specifications


Heart rate by ECG (one lead) and PPG


Chip Type ECG
Display OLED 0.42” display
Bluetooth V4.0
Band material TPU
Operating System Android,iOS
Cameras None
Battery 95mAh
Physical Dimensions 10g, 23.00 x 1.00 x 1.20 cm


Bluetooth to mobile phone.



FAQs (under construction)

What is…?

How does it work?

Is it a Medical Device?

How will it fit into my practice?

How can I prescribe it?

Which patients will benefit most of it?

Who can use it?

Is clinical prove available?


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