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Eodyne : Overview
RGS uses Virtual Reality and Gamification methods and has an advanced computer vision technology that provides accurate tracking of the body and limbs of the patient and the mapping in real-time of their movement into virtual limbs.
Eodyne’s technology is highly adaptive to the capabilities of the user via an adaptive mapping solution that helps to optimize the visual feedback to the patient.
Technical Specifications
RGS is an innovative ICT Virtual Reality tool for the rehabilitation of motor deficits, cognitive, language and affective disorders after brain damage such as stroke.
RGS is based on leading edge research in neuroscience, psychology, computing, user interfaces and virtual reality. RGS uses training methods that have been scientifically proven to be effective.
RGS has treated about 500 patients and has been validated in a number of clinical studies published in leading scientific journals.
RGS based treatment is tailored to the specific needs of each individual patient, from the acute to the chronic phase after stroke.
RGS is cost effective for patients and their families. It reduces the costs for primary health care, providers, health centres and insurance companies by minimising transportation while optimising the intensity of rehabilitation training, diagnostics and monitoring.
RGS promotes the active engagement of the patient by placing them at the center of the rehabilitation process, they are in control of how they train following a personalized treatment approach.
After stroke RGS can be used at the hospital and in specialized health centres as part of the patient recovery treatment.
As a stroke rehabilitation programme, RGS can also be used by patients at their own homes since it is equipped with an integrated system for remote and personalized treatment, diagnostics, monitoring and advise.
Training Protocols
FAQs (under construction)
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Is it a Medical Device?
How will it fit into my practice?
Who can use it? Which patients will benefit most of it?
Is clinical proof available?
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